Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Many Rivers to Cross

Another burden that is on my heart has to do with our country. Unless we intensify our prayers, the unfortunate will happen.
The handwriting has been on the wall all along, it is only those with discerning eyes and minds who can read and understand them.
This country has crossed many rivers to get to where it is today. There still remain one last river, we may or may not cross it. It will depend on how we conduct ourselves.
We can avoid it if we change our ways of seeing each other. Presently, we see each other as enemies who must be eliminated through insults, lies etc.
The spirit of lies has filled the hearts of many and the citizenry seem to be enjoying it.
We see everything through the eyes of politics, objectivity is missing.
Pride and arrogance has filled the hearts of those who lead or want to lead us.
It has become difficult for people to acknowledge mistakes and render apologies, there is suspicion and lack of sincerity among those who lead or aspire to lead us.
We the people look on gleefully as if it were a contest on Mount Carmel between Baal and the Man of God. Unknown to us is the fact that we are fast approaching the precipice.

The last river awaiting us that of a civil war. Though we would not want to hear it, our actions are pushing us towards it.
Look at the nations that surrounds us, they’ve all crossed it-Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Nigeria those that are yet to cross are only postponing it.
Stable countries we know of had to go through this river to arrive at where they are. America had it’s civil war, Britain has had hers , most countries in Europe had crossed it; in recent times we know of that of Kosovo , Serbia etc. In Africa the list is there. The world is in turmoil. Only those with eyes can see the writing.

God will spare our nation if we change our ways. Especially those in politics whose aim is to rule us, must learn to co- exist with each other in peace. We their followers must eschew fanaticism, respect the rights of everyone to chose without threat, violence and intimidation.
The church must continue to intercede for the nation through prayers and public proclamation of the Word from pulpits and on the streets, wherever man is found!
Let us remember, there is one more river to cross but we can avoid it.

By John F. Tamakloe

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